With Storm King Mountain in the background, as it appears on the backdrop for the Pageant, this 1967 Chevy (used in many Cornwall parades) carries a picture of Dr. & Mrs. Dorfman as they rode years ago in the back seat with their granddaughter, Carrie Kingsley. Photo by Dave Sirota, June 2020.
The Cornwall Independence Day Committee is a group of VOLUNTEERS from the community dedicated to planning and coordinating a memorable celebration for the community. The committee meets January-July on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm at Munger Cottage.
2025 Committee
Phylis Murphy
Committee Chair
Margaret Quinn
Vice Chair
Eileen Hartman
Buffy Heldt
Dave Carnright
Sally-Faith Dorfman
Jim Klein
Paul Korykora
Chris Meyer
Bill Rolon
Caimien Steiner
David Sirota
Bill Webber
A little about us…
Our annual Cornwall Independence Day celebration started at a Cornwall Parent Teacher Association meeting in April 1950, when the first male PTA president, Dr. David L. Dorfman, called on his wife Dolce, who, at the urging of her mother, Carrie Ettlinger Stern, made a motion to start a Fourth of July celebration in town, to teach children and other residents about their inspiring heritage, partly in response to the McCarthy-Communism concerns of the day, partly for a fun day with a parade and fireworks, which many Cornwallites had never seen before. You can hear them describe the challenges of launching this celebration on an oral history interview from November 9, 1976, through the Cornwall Public Library’s Local History Digital Archives at https://cdm16694.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/cornpl/id/202/rec/1. The first historic pageant was produced in 1952, with parade floats pulling up to the stage for different scenes at Mayor Donahue's Windon Farm in Cornwall-on-Hudson, and annual revisions up to the Bicentennial Celebration in 1976. When the location moved to Town Hall Park the following year, the pageant got lost in the shuffle, but was revived in 2000 after Sally Faith Dorfman Sirota found an old script compiled by her mother and called Ruthanne Schempf, whose mother Marjorie had the historically-accurate music that she and Dolce Dorfman had selected for each scene. Ruthanne and Sally Faith got things started again, and many, many others have helped to sustain this exciting living history lesson year after year, passing this great Cornwall tradition on from generation to generation. See more about previous celebrations on the Pageant page.