Duck Derby

The 4th Annual Duck Derby is a fun-filled Cornwall Independence Day Committee fundraising event where rubber ducks—sponsored by individuals just like you—compete in an epic race across Ring’s Pond. With fierce determination, they fight their way to the finish line where the winners will collect their cash prize!
1st PLACE- $100 / 2nd PLACE- $75 / 3rd PLACE- $50

How the heck does it work, you ask?

You can adopt a rubber duck via the link below. Each adopted duck entry is assigned a number and a rubber duck with your number will be entered in the race. You will receive your number when you adopt. Your adopted duck will join the others at the starting line. The ducks will paddle their little rubber hearts out as they race across Ring’s Pond. May the best ducks win! (Adopted parents do not keep the ducks.)

How do rubber ducks race, you ask?

Given that your typical rubber species of duck has no feet with which to paddle and generally moves about via the docile currents of a bathtub—or a toss from a toddler—you might expect a Duck Derby to be a lengthy endeavor indeed. Not so for these fine fine rubber-feathered friends. With much appreciated assistance from the Storm King Engine Company, a turrent of water from their hoses will create a wake to send the duckies on their way. Paddlers aboard boats and canoes are on hand to shoo wayward birds back on course.

How do I ADOPT-A-DUCK, you ask?

25 Adopt-a-Duck (Online)
from $6.00

2023 Duck Derby Photos